The Kentucky Infrastructure Coalition is made up of manufacturers, farmers, engineers, local leaders and more than 40,000 transportation workers who understand that safe, reliable, efficient transportation is essential to Kentucky’s economy. The Coalition supports long-term, sustainable funding that provides adequate revenues for all modes of transportation so our state can maintain the infrastructure we have today and build what we need for our future. CLICK HERE TO TELL YOUR LEGISLATORS TO INCREASE TRANSPORTATION FUNDING
- AGC of Kentucky
- Amazon
- American Council of Engineering Companies of Kentucky
- BridgeLink
- Commerce Lexington
- Greater Louisville Inc.
- Henderson Chamber of Commerce
- Homebuilders Association of Kentucky
- International Union of Operating Engineers
- Kentucky Association of Counties
- Kentucky Association for Economic Development
- Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors
- Kentucky Association of Manufacturers
- Kentucky’s Building Trades Unions
- Kentucky Chamber
- Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts
- Kentucky Concrete Association
- Kentucky County Judge Executives Association
- Kentucky Crushed Stone Association
- Kentucky Equipment Distributers
- Kentucky Farm Bureau
- Kentuckians for Better Transportation
- Kentucky League of Cities
- Kentucky Laborers District Council
- Kentucky Magistrates and Commissioners Association
- Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency
- Kentucky Municipal Utilities Association
- Kentucky Public Transit Association
- Kentucky School Boards Association
- Lextran
- Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
- Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce
- P & L Transportation
- Plantmix Asphalt Industry KY
- RJ Corman
- Stupp Bridge
- West KY Regional Chamber Alliance